How to run the examples

Add registries

Open a Julia REPL ($ julia), type ] to enter the Pkg REPL, and add the following registries:

    pkg> registry add
    pkg> registry add 
    pkg> registry add
    pkg> registry add

Install the dependencies of the examples folder project

Clone PotentialLearning.jl repository in your working directory.

    $ git clone

Open a Julia REPL activating the examples folder project.

    $ julia --project=PotentialLearning.jl/examples

Type ] to enter the Pkg REPL and instantiate.

    pkg> instantiate

Run an example

Access to any folder within PotentialLearning.jl/examples. E.g.

    $ cd PotentialLearning.jl/examples/ACE

Open a Julia REPL, activate the examples folder project, and define the number of threads.

    $ julia --project=../ --threads=4

Finally, include the example file.

    julia> include("fit-ace.jl")