SNAP example using GaN

In this example we extract the bispectrum from SNAP. This example demonstrates how to install and use LAMMPS.jl

Install dependencies

First let's make sure we have all required packages installed

using Pkg
pkg"add LAMMPS"

LAMMPS.jl will automatically download and install a pre-built version of LAMMPS.

We start off by importing LAMMPS.

using LAMMPS

const DATA = joinpath(dirname(pathof(LAMMPS)), "..", "examples", "example_GaN_data")

function run_snap(lmp, path, rcut, twojmax)
    command(lmp, """
        log none
        units metal
        boundary p p p
        atom_style atomic
        atom_modify map array
        read_data $path
        pair_style zero $rcut
        pair_coeff * *
        compute PE all pe
        compute S all pressure thermo_temp
        compute SNA all sna/atom $rcut 0.99363 $twojmax 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 rmin0 0.0 bzeroflag 0 quadraticflag 0 switchflag 1
        compute SNAD all snad/atom $rcut 0.99363 $twojmax 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 rmin0 0.0 bzeroflag 0 quadraticflag 0 switchflag 1
        compute SNAV all snav/atom $rcut 0.99363 $twojmax 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 rmin0 0.0 bzeroflag 0 quadraticflag 0 switchflag 1
        thermo_style custom pe
        run 0

    # Extract bispectrum
    bs = gather(lmp, "c_SNA", Float64)
    return bs

function calculate_snap_bispectrum(path, rcut, twojmax, M, N1, N2)
    J = twojmax / 2
    ncoeff = round(Int, (J+1)*(J+2)*((J+(1.5))/3) + 1)

    A = LMP(["-screen","none"]) do lmp
        A = Array{Float64}(undef, M, 2*ncoeff) # bispectrum is 2*(ncoeff - 1) + 2
        for m in 1:M
            data = joinpath(path, string(m), "DATA")
            bs = run_snap(lmp, data, rcut, twojmax)

            # Make bispectrum sum vector
            row = Float64[]

            push!(row, N1)

            for k in 1:(ncoeff-1)
                acc = 0.0
                for n in 1:N1
                    acc += bs[k, n]
                push!(row, acc)

            push!(row, N2)
            for k in 1:(ncoeff-1)
                acc = 0.0
                for n in N1 .+ (1:N2)
                    acc += bs[k, n]
                push!(row, acc)

            A[m, :] = row

            command(lmp, "clear")
        return A
    return A, ncoeff

const rcut = 3.5
const twojmax = 6
const M  = 48 # number of input files
const N1 = 96 # number of atoms of the first type
const N2 = 96 # number of atoms of the second type
A, ncoeff = calculate_snap_bispectrum(DATA, rcut, twojmax, M, N1, N2)
([96.0 714.8921306293827 … 1336.492540361043 432.0280579642445; 96.0 741.6379436413091 … 1254.106124342181 545.8425828497783; … ; 96.0 737.1339390521061 … 1253.9195498524505 539.1307198276115; 96.0 738.856450472822 … 1254.9583526931956 551.4702122992459], 31)

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