— TypeLMP(f::Function, args=String[], comm=nothing)
Create a new LAMMPS instance and call f
on that instance while returning the result from f
— TypeLMP(args::Vector{String}=String[], comm::Union{Nothing, MPI.Comm}=nothing)
Create a new LAMMPS instance while passing in a list of strings as if they were command-line arguments for the LAMMPS executable.
A full ist of command-line options can be found in the lammps documentation.
— Methodclose!(lmp::LMP)
Shutdown a LAMMPS instance.
— Methodcommand(lmp::LMP, cmd::Union{String, Array{String}})
Process LAMMPS input commands from a String or from an Array of Strings.
A full list of commands can be found in the lammps documentation.
This function processes a multi-line string similar to a block of commands from a file. The string may have multiple lines (separated by newline characters) and also single commands may be distributed over multiple lines with continuation characters (’&’). Those lines are combined by removing the ‘&’ and the following newline character. After this processing the string is handed to LAMMPS for parsing and executing.
Arrays of Strings get concatenated into a single String inserting newline characters as needed.
Multiline string support """
and support for array of strings was added. Prior versions of LAMMPS.jl ignore newline characters.
LMP(["-screen", "none"]) do lmp
command(lmp, """
atom_modify map yes
region cell block 0 2 0 2 0 2
create_box 1 cell
lattice sc 1
create_atoms 1 region cell
mass 1 1
group a id 1 2 3 5 8
group even id 2 4 6 8
group odd id 1 3 5 7
— Methodcreate_atoms(
lmp::LMP, x::Matrix{Float64}, id::Vector{Int32}, types::Vector{Int32};
Create atoms for a LAMMPS instance. x
contains the atom positions and should be a 3 by n
, where n
is the number of atoms. id
contains the id of each atom and should be a length n
. types
contains the atomic type (LAMMPS number) of each atom and should be a length n
. v
contains the associated velocities and should be a 3 by n
. image
contains the image flags for each atom and should be a length n
. bexpand
is a Bool
that defines whether or not the box should be expanded to fit the input atoms (default not).
— Methodextract_atom(lmp::LMP, name::String, lmp_type::_LMP_DATATYPE; copy=false, with_ghosts=false)
Extract per-atom data from the lammps instance.
valid values for lmp_type : | resulting return type: |
LAMMPS_INT | Vector{Int32} |
LAMMPS_INT_2D | Matrix{Int32} |
LAMMPS_DOUBLE | Vector{Float64} |
LAMMPS_DOUBLE_2D | Matrix{Float64} |
LAMMPS_INT64 | Vector{Int64} |
LAMMPS_INT64_2D | Matrix{Int64} |
The returned data may become invalid if a re-neighboring operation is triggered at any point after calling this method. If this has happened, trying to read from this data will likely cause julia to crash. To prevent this, set copy=true
A table with suported name keywords can be found in the lammps documentation.
: determines whether lammps internal memory is used or if a copy is made.with_ghosts
: Determines wheter entries for ghost atoms are included. This is ignored for "mass".
— Methodextract_compute(lmp::LMP, name::String, style::_LMP_STYLE_CONST, lmp_type::_LMP_TYPE; copy::Bool=true)
Extract data provided by a compute command identified by the compute-ID. Computes may provide global, per-atom, or local data, and those may be a scalar, a vector or an array. Since computes may provide multiple kinds of data, it is required to set style and type flags representing what specific data is desired.
valid values for style : |
valid values for lmp_type : | resulting return type: |
TYPE_SCALAR | Vector{Float64} |
TYPE_VECTOR | Vector{Float64} |
TYPE_ARRAY | Matrix{Float64} |
SIZE_VECTOR | Vector{Int32} |
SIZE_COLS | Vector{Int32} |
SIZE_ROWS | Vector{Int32} |
Scalar values get returned as a vector with a single element. This way it's possible to modify the internal state of the LAMMPS instance even if the data is scalar.
The returned data may become invalid as soon as another LAMMPS command has been issued at any point after calling this method. If this has happened, trying to read from this data will likely cause julia to crash. To prevent this, set copy=true
LMP(["-screen", "none"]) do lmp
extract_compute(lmp, "thermo_temp", LMP_STYLE_GLOBAL, TYPE_VECTOR, copy=true)[2] = 2
extract_compute(lmp, "thermo_temp", LMP_STYLE_GLOBAL, TYPE_VECTOR, copy=false)[3] = 3
extract_compute(lmp, "thermo_temp", LMP_STYLE_GLOBAL, TYPE_SCALAR) |> println # [0.0]
extract_compute(lmp, "thermo_temp", LMP_STYLE_GLOBAL, TYPE_VECTOR) |> println # [0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
— Methodextract_global(lmp::LMP, name::String, lmp_type::_LMP_DATATYPE; copy::Bool=false)
Extract a global property from a LAMMPS instance.
valid values for lmp_type : | resulting return type: |
LAMMPS_INT | Vector{Int32} |
LAMMPS_INT_2D | Matrix{Int32} |
LAMMPS_DOUBLE | Vector{Float64} |
LAMMPS_DOUBLE_2D | Matrix{Float64} |
LAMMPS_INT64 | Vector{Int64} |
LAMMPS_INT64_2D | Matrix{Int64} |
LAMMPS_STRING | String (always a copy) |
Scalar values get returned as a vector with a single element. This way it's possible to modify the internal state of the LAMMPS instance even if the data is scalar.
Closing the LAMMPS instance or issuing a clear command after calling this method will result in the returned data becoming invalid. To prevent this, set copy=true
Modifying the data through extract_global
may lead to inconsistent internal data and thus may cause failures or crashes or bogus simulations. In general it is thus usually better to use a LAMMPS input command that sets or changes these parameters. Those will take care of all side effects and necessary updates of settings derived from such settings.
A full list of global variables can be found in the lammps documentation.
— Methodextract_setting(lmp::LMP, name::String)::Int32
Query LAMMPS about global settings.
A full list of settings can be found in the lammps documentation.
LMP(["-screen", "none"]) do lmp
command(lmp, """
region cell block 0 3 0 3 0 3
create_box 1 cell
lattice sc 1
create_atoms 1 region cell
extract_setting(lmp, "dimension") |> println # 3
extract_setting(lmp, "nlocal") |> println # 27
— Functionextract_variable(lmp::LMP, name::String, lmp_variable::LMP_VARIABLE, group::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; copy::Bool=false)
Extracts the data from a LAMMPS variable. When the variable is either an equal
-style compatible variable, a vector
-style variable, or an atom
-style variable, the variable is evaluated and the corresponding value(s) returned. Variables of style internal
are compatible with equal
-style variables, if they return a numeric value. For other variable styles, their string value is returned.
valid values for lmp_variable : | return type |
VAR_ATOM | Vector{Float64} |
VAR_EQUAL | Float64 |
VAR_STRING | String |
VAR_VECTOR | Vector{Float64} |
the kwarg copy
determies wheter a copy of the underlying data is made. copy
is only aplicable for VAR_VECTOR
. For all other variable types, a copy will be made regardless. The underlying LAMMPS API call for VAR_ATOM
internally allways creates a copy of the data. As the memory for this gets allocated by LAMMPS instead of julia, it needs to be dereferenced using LAMMPS.API.lammps_free
instead of through the garbage collector. If copy=false
this gets acieved by registering LAMMPS.API.lammps_free
as a finalizer for the returned data. Alternatively, setting copy=true
will instead create a new copy of the data. The lammps allocated block of memory will then be freed immediately.
the kwarg group
determines for which atoms the variable will be extracted. It's only aplicable for VAR_ATOM
and will cause an error if used for other variable types. The entires for all atoms not in the group will be zeroed out. By default, all atoms will be extracted.
— Functiongather(lmp::LMP, name::String, T::Union{Type{Int32}, Type{Float64}}, ids::Union{Nothing, Array{Int32}}=nothing)
Gather the named per-atom, per-atom fix, per-atom compute, or fix property/atom-based entities from all processes. By default (when ids=nothing
), this method collects data from all atoms in consecutive order according to their IDs. The optional parameter ids
determines for which subset of atoms the requested data will be gathered. The returned data will then be ordered according to ids
Compute entities have the prefix c_
, fix entities use the prefix f_
, and per-atom entites have no prefix.
The returned Array is decoupled from the internal state of the LAMMPS instance.
The optional parameter ids
only works, if there is a map defined. For example by doing: command(lmp, "atom_modify map yes")
However, LAMMPS only issues a warning if that's the case, which unfortuately cannot be detected through the underlying API. Starting form LAMMPS version 17 Apr 2024
this should no longer be an issue, as LAMMPS then throws an error instead of a warning.
— Methodgather_angles(lmp::LMP)
Gather the list of all angles into a 4 x nangles Matrix:
row1 -> angle type
row2 -> atom 1
row3 -> atom 2
row4 -> atom 3
— Methodgather_bonds(lmp::LMP)
Gather the list of all bonds into a 3 x nbonds Matrix:
row1 -> bond type
row2 -> atom 1
row3 -> atom 2
— Methodgather_dihedrals(lmp::LMP)
Gather the list of all dihedrals into a 5 x ndihedrals Matrix:
row1 -> dihedral type
row2 -> atom 1
row3 -> atom 2
row4 -> atom 3
row5 -> atom 4
— Methodgather_impropers(lmp::LMP)
Gather the list of all impropers into a 5 x nimpropers Matrix:
row1 -> improper type
row2 -> atom 1
row3 -> atom 2
row4 -> atom 3
row5 -> atom 4
— Functionget_category_ids(lmp::LMP, category::String, buffer_size::Integer=50)
Look up the names of entities within a certain category.
Valid categories are: compute, dump, fix, group, molecule, region, and variable. names longer than buffer_size
will be truncated to fit inside the buffer.
— Methodget_natoms(lmp::LMP)::Int64
Get the total number of atoms in the LAMMPS instance.
Will be precise up to 53-bit signed integer due to the underlying lammps_get_natoms
returning a Float64.
— Methodgroup_to_atom_ids(lmp::LMP, group::String)
Find the IDs of the Atoms in the group.
— Methodlocate()
Locate the LAMMPS library currently being used, by LAMMPS.jl
— Methodscatter!(lmp::LMP, name::String, data::VecOrMat{T}, ids::Union{Nothing, Array{Int32}}=nothing) where T<:Union{Int32, Float64}
Scatter the named per-atom, per-atom fix, per-atom compute, or fix property/atom-based entity in data to all processes. By default (when ids=nothing
), this method scatters data to all atoms in consecutive order according to their IDs. The optional parameter ids
determines to which subset of atoms the data will be scattered.
Compute entities have the prefix c_
, fix entities use the prefix f_
, and per-atom entites have no prefix.
The optional parameter ids
only works, if there is a map defined. For example by doing: command(lmp, "atom_modify map yes")
However, LAMMPS only issues a warning if that's the case, which unfortuately cannot be detected through the underlying API. Starting form LAMMPS version 17 Apr 2024
this should no longer be an issue, as LAMMPS then throws an error instead of a warning.
— Methodset_library!(path)
Change the library path used by LAMMPS.jl for liblammps.so
to path
You will need to restart Julia to use the new library.
Due to a bug in Julia (until 1.6.5 and 1.7.1), setting preferences in transitive dependencies is broken (https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Preferences.jl/issues/24). To fix this either update your version of Julia, or add LAMMPS_jll as a direct dependency to your project.