Implementing the Atomistic API

There are two main parts to the Atomistic API. An implementer must provide a concrete simulator type subtyping MolecularDynamicsSimulator and a concrete result type subtyping MolecularDynamicsResult. A summary of the required functionality for each component follows.

Molecular Dynamics Simulators

The only function that must be implemented for subtypes of MolecularDynamicsSimulator is a method of simulate.

simulate(system::AbstractSystem, simulator::MolecularDynamicsSimulator, potential::AbstractPotential)::MolecularDynamicsResult

The first parameter is an instance of an implementation of the AbstractSystem interface defined by AtomsBase.jl. It is important that the implementer rely only on the general API rather than any specific implementation details because the user could provide any system implementation; if there are performance-sensitive decisions based on the system type, this should be achieved through multiple dispatch. The species, position, and velocity of each body as well as the boundary shape and conditions are stored in this data structure. An implementer should take special care to handle units appropriately when converting from this representation to the internal representation of the underlying simulator package.

The second parameter is the custom simulator. This could specify information such as the duration of the simulation, numerical details such as discretization parameters and integration methods, or domain specific options such as thermostats and barostats.

The third parameter is an instance of an implementation of the AbstractPotential interface defined by InteratomicPotentials.jl. The main function from this interface that is useful in the dynamics context is InteratomicPotentials.force(s::AbstractSystem, p::AbstractPotential)::AbstractVector{StaticVector{3, Real}}. However, it is recommended that implementers consider using InteratomicPotentials.energy_and_force(s::AbstractSystem, p::AbstractPotential)::NamedTuple{(:e, :f), Tuple{Unitful.Energy, Vector{SVector{3, Unitful.Force}}}} and cache the energy results on the MolecularDynamicsResult struct because the additional energy calculation is asymptotically free for most interatomic potential implementations. See the discussion of the potential_energy function below.

The simulate method should return the corresponding implementation of the MolecularDynamicsResult interface as described below.

Molecular Dynamics Results

Fifteen total functions must be implemented for subtypes of MolecularDynamicsResult, four of which have default implementations. The functions allow users to access simulation data from three categories: simulation configuration, time-dependent system data, and simulation analysis.

Simulation Configuration Functions

There are five functions in the MolecularDynamicsResult API which return time-independent simulation configuration information:


This function should return a unit-anotated vector containing the time value for each step of the simulation which can be iterated for plotting, animation, or other analysis.


This function should return the numebr of bodies in the simulation.

get_bounding_box(result::MolecularDynamicsResult)::SVector{3, SVector{3, Unitful.Length}}

This function should return the AtomsBase.jl-style bounding box of the system used in the simulation.

get_boundary_conditions(result::MolecularDynamicsResult)::SVector{3, BoundaryCondition}

This function should return the AtomsBase.jl-style boundary conditions of the system used in the simulation.


This function should return a unit-anotated temperature that describes the temperature maintained by the thermostat used in the simulation. If there is no reference temperature for the particular simulation, the function should return missing, which is the default implementation.

Time-Dependent System Data

There are five functions in the MolecularDynamicsResult API which return system data at a particular timestep, two of which have default implementations.

get_time(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::Unitful.Time

This convenience function converts a timestep to the unit-annotated time of the timestep using the provided get_time_range implementation. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed. Most implementers will not need to write a custom implementation.

get_positions(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::AbstractVector{SVector{3, Unitful.Length}}

This function should return the unit-annotated position of each particle in the system at a particular timestep from the simulation result. The returned positions should be normalized such that they lie within the bounding box of the system, even if the system is periodic. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed.

get_velocities(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::AbstractVector{SVector{3, Unitful.Velocity}}

This function should return the unit-annotated velocities of each particle in the system at a particular timestep from the simulation result. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed.

get_particles(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::AbstractVector{Atom}

This function should return the particles in the system at a particular timestep from the simulation result. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed. It is important for any Atom metadata passed in on the input system be preserved when reproducing the particles as some interatomic potential implementations may depend on this data for correctness or performance.

get_system(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::AbstractSystem

This function should return an AtomsBase.jl AbstractSystem which captures the system at a particular timestep in the simulation. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed.

The default implementation creates a FlexibleSystem by combining the provided implementations of get_particles, get_bounding_box, and get_boundary_conditions.

Simulation Analysis

temperature(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::Unitful.Temperature

This function should return a unit-anotated temperature for the system at a particular timestep in the simulation. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed.

kinetic_energy(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::Unitful.Energy

This function should return a unit-anotated kinetic energy for the system at a particular timestep in the simulation. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed.

potential_energy(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::Unitful.Energy

This function should return a unit-anotated potential energy for the system at a particular timestep in the simulation. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed. If potential energy values were not cached at simulation time, the relevant function from the InteratomicPotentials.jl interface is InteratomicPotentials.potential_energy(a::AbstractSystem, p::AbstractPotential)::Unitful.Energy.

total_energy(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, t::Integer)::Unitful.Energy

This function should return a unit-anotated total energy for the system at a particular timestep in the simulation. The timestep defaults to the end of the simulation when t is not passed.

The default implementation simply sums the kinetic and potential energy functions, but an implementor of the API might provide a custom implementation if there is a more direct means of calculation provided by the underlying simulator.

rdf(result::MolecularDynamicsResult, start::Integer, stop::Integer)::Tuple{AbstractVector{Real},AbstractVector{Real}}

This function should calculate the radial distribution function of the system averaged across a range of timesteps. It should return a named tuple of vectors:

  • r: unit-annotated interparticle radial distance bins
  • g: distribution value of each bin

The default implementation provided uses the provided implementations of get_num_bodies, get_bounding_box, get_boundary_conditions, and get_positions. An implementor of the API could use a built in implementation if one that fits this spec is available.